Saturday, February 28, 2015

John's Valentine

Two weeks later, John still really enjoys this card. (It plays the hamster dance music which sends him into a crazy dance fit every time.) Please note how "loved" it is. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A new smile

Last weekend, on my way home from the city I got a call. It was James, "I lost my tooth!" So exciting! He'd been wrestling with Daddy, bonked his head, and it fell out when he wiped his mouth.

Both top front teeth have been wiggly for what seems like forever. We were sure he'd be able to sing that Classic Christmas tune. Nope. Then we were sure he'd lose them before going back to school. Nope. But now he had finally lost one! Hooray! However, the remaining top tooth was actually the first of his teeth. The one he had sported on its own for several months as a one year old. And it now was super wiggly resulting in a funny look; we wanted it out. 

The tooth fairy left two crisp dollar bills in the tooth pillow. James was super excited and ran into our bedroom early Sunday morning. "The tooth fairy came! The tooth fairy came! And it's still night!"

We tried. Just about every day, Dan and/or I tried to get James to let us yank that one goofy tooth out of his head. To no avail. This morning, while playing Lego and quarreling with (tackling?) John, we heard, "My tooth fell out! My tooth fell out!"
Praise. The. Lord. 

Dan and I both ran jubilantly upstairs. While I tended to the bloody mouth in the bathroom, Dan searched for the tooth among all the Legos on the floor. Found it. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Lepori Christmas!

Christmas Eve 
Cookies and milk after church. 
James goes for Santa's treats. 
Coming up to bed. 
The Nativity (with special guests)
Christmas Morning!!
Hess Trucks!!
This picture does not capture his pleasure; he was excited for Wall-E. 
Operating Wall-E's remote. 
Grandpa helps with Batman's motorcycle. 
Zoob Mover!
Lego Darth Vader Watch
Bat cave!!!

Nailed It

Dan's gift for me:
Penguin Jammies, y'all. 
The excitement is real!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pageant Rehearsal

Today was the third and final rehearsal for our Christmas Pageant. At the first rehearsal John had to leave to go to the doctor because he'd broken out in hives. (Allergy to his antibiotic). Last week he decided to sit (or run around) with Grandpa instead of rehearsing. So I wasn't sure what to expect from today's dress rehearsal. 
When we went to get costumes, John stated firmly that he preferred an angel to being a shepherd. And he was super excited to put on the outfit. 
We headed upstairs to the church, and John sat with the other angels. 
He then looked at me and said, "I want to take this off. I want to be a king like Jamesy."
I told him he couldn't be a king. "I want to be a shepherd and carry a big stick."
We headed back downstairs. 
He traded in his halo. 
And back upstairs we went. 
A few more scenes:

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Jedi James



After the Robing Ceremony:

Target practice: 
The Jedi Master takes out the blasters:

Light Saber Training:
Destroying the Death Star piñata:

Storm Trooper Cake:
Seven Storm Troopers: 

Jedi Mommy