Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Times

Well, this past weekend was a pretty big deal around here. James got baptised on Sunday. Thus, his Godparents (Auntie Peg, Aunt Ali & Uncle P) were all here. (Mag arrived on Thursday, and Team Winter got here Saturday morning.) So were all the grands. Of course, Nana had been here for a few weeks already on childcare duty, but Pops joined us on Friday. Grandma & Grandpa came over Saturday and Sunday. We celebrated on Saturday with a big barbecue: smoked ribs (yum!), homemade macaroni & cheese (ala Grandmother's recipe), blueberry buckle, and many other delicious items. It was GREAT and also a bit surreal to have all of my family here at 0nce. We had lots of fun though and even got out Dan's old zim-zam and played a few rounds.

As if that weren't enough, James started on (runny) solids that day. He enjoyed rice cereal for both breakfast and supper. Good times. Dan insisted that his first meal be from a silver spoon, so we busted out a piece of our beautiful Hester Bateman for the occasion.

On Sunday, Dan's parents were back here in time for breakfast-- bagels that Ali & I picked up on our morning run through town. Yum. Then it was time to dress James in his handsome, non-girly, smocked outfit (thanks Nana & Grandma!) and get to church. Once there, we had a quick run-through with our priest and deacon, then church began. With all of the excitement, James hadn't napped at all. Dan & I were sure he'd get fussy, but he didn't! He didn't make a peep during the actual baptism, and then hung out with Fr. Parnell during the prayers and through the Peace (at which point he was paraded around the church for his second time) before returning to us. During the Eucharistic Prayer, he fell asleep in Auntie Peg's arms after nuzzling her hair. It was SO cute (and quiet! No fussing!). He woke up after the service for pictures, so accommodating, that one!

Then, it was back to the house for lunch. James took the longest nap ever while we prepared then ate our delicious meal (using china, silver, and crystal-- nice). That afternoon we took a lovely family walk to the park before Ali & P headed back to DC. Auntie Peg left before the crack of dawn on Monday. James & I took Nana & Pop to the airport on Tuesday afternoon (after Nana & I got pedicures in the morning-- yea!), and now the house seems empty!

Today, Dan took the day off work (they owed him because he worked a 13 hour day on his day off on Monday), and we took James for his 6 month/baptism outfit portrait. The pictures turned out great!

So tomorrow will be the first day of just James & me hanging out since I went back to school on May 5th. I'm pretty excited. Happily, it is a Thursday, so we'll get to see our friends from the Mommy group. We haven't seen them since the first week I went back, so I'm anxious to chat with my mommy friends and see all the changes in James's baby friends.

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