Friday, January 30, 2009

More Teeth, Less Hair

Well, last week we discussed that James really needed a haircut.  Dan thought we could do it ourselves: either trim the edges or take the clippers (with the longest guard) to him.  I know that it is hair, and it will just grow back, so even if we screwed it up, it wouldn't be a big deal.  However, I thought that we should go somewhere professional to get it done.  My thinking was two-fold: a) It's his first haircut; I want pomp & circumstance. b) Once we saw how they did it, we might do better on our own.

So, we finally decided to go for it.  Pomp and Circumstance, here we come.  We got an appointment for Saturday afternoon at the nearby children's hair salon.  Oh man, it was a madhouse!  One kid was wailing through his entire haircut.  There were kids wandering around.  Hairdryers blowing.  Videos playing at each "chair."  James kept his positive, social spirits happily going into the arms of the receptionist.

He was assigned the Jeep chair right up front.  His hair dresser turned on a Calliou video that James ignored.  He thought the giant stuffed giraffe was more interesting.  Oh, by the way, there's no seatbelt/strap in the Jeep seat, so he slipped right down into the hair
y floorboard.  Nice.  The stylist wet his hair and snipped away.  No tears until the hairdryer came out.  He received a diploma and a little baggie of his hair.  Oh and lollipops for Mommy & Daddy.  The whole thing took about 15 minutes.  It was bizarre.

We'll be trying it on our own next time.  We'll see how it goes...

Meanwhile, tooth #5 has erupted.  It is up top, next to the left front tooth.  

Also, James has at least 20 words in his vocabulary!  Mommy, Daddy, ball, see, balloon, bubbles, hat, chilly, cold, hot, banana, boot, baby (pronounced day-dee), stinky-dinky, door, no, hi, vroom, truck, sweep,...

PS  I know this post obviously needs photos; I'll add some soon.  He does look handsome!

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