Sunday, September 25, 2011

James's First Day in the Threes

This post is a few weeks overdue.  Oops.

James has settled into his new classroom with Ms. Lisa.  He was thrilled to see all his friends again, though he regularly tells me that his favorite tracks are in the twos room.

During the first week of school, there was a lot of wistful talk of the twos room, as well as much jubilation when I'd arrive to pick James up from school.  Now, however, he's returned to his more typical afternoon greeting of, "Mommy, wait!  Don't come yet!  I have to finish _________."  You can fill in the blank with whatever activity he's doing-- reading a book, playing with this toy, listening to this story, having a snack, playing with my friends...

Here's James in his new classroom on the first day (Sept. 7th):

 James and Daddy in the Threes Room (Sept. 7th)-
 James finds a toy tractor in the Threes Room.
Unfortunately, there's not a full body shot of his cute little first day of school outfit, but alas.

1 comment:

A said...

I like how he is working the popped color. James, you are such a cute grown-up little boy.