Wednesday, August 29, 2012

John at seven months

John is a sweet, sweet boy. He's so happy and remains pretty easy-going.
He has started rolling to get where he wants to be or to get something he wants.
He loves eating. When I do the sign for "eat" he smiles. If the food isn't coming fast enough from bowl to spoon to mouth, he fusses.
He goes down for a morning nap fairly easily between 8:30-9:00 every day and sleeps pretty well most days. He usually takes an afternoon nap without trouble as well.
Bedtime rolls around at about seven. Sometimes he gets fussy and goes down earlier, and sometimes we are so busy having fun (like this evening's walk to Hubbard) that he goes down later.
He likes cuddling with his soft little ducky lovey. And he loves shaking a maraca!
He's great at planking. He scoots. It seems like he'll start crawling before we know it.
He loves his big brother. James can make him giggle and laugh.
He gives hugs and kisses. In his own way. He wraps his arms around our necks and squeezes! And his kisses are as though he's trying to eat your face. Delicious!
And, crazy at it seems, sometimes it really sounds like he's saying "Mama!"

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