Friday, April 4, 2008

Visiting School

After making arrangements with my replacement, I took James to visit my school and my fourth graders today. It was awesome! First, two of my dearies were in the lobby en route to make an office delivery when we arrived. They were so excited and surprised to see me and doted over James. The two of them literally pulled me through the halls to our classroom, running ahead at the end to announce my presence. The kids went nuts. They all oohed and ahhed over James and pretty much mobbed the two of us. We received many pieces of origami and such. My favorite "gift" was the name placard that I'd made for student James's desk back in the fall. He signed the back of it and put it in James's stroller. Amazingly, Baby James was extremely tolerant of all the attention and noise. After promising to return before dismissal. James and I went to visit some of the faculty. Sadly I didn't get to see everyone that I wanted to, but James was probably overstimulated as it was! He really was a love, being held and admired by so many different people. It was a blast for me to be there and see everyone. We made it back to my class in time to walk them out to dismissal (during our procession, they all announced James's presence to all). I had a lovely chat with my principal, and concluded my visit relaxing and walking out with my good (pregnant) pal who teaches second grade. I'm dying to go back again soon!

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