Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy April!

I love April. It contains my birthday and our wedding anniversary, for starters. It's usually home to Easter. It's when we found out we were expecting our cute lil' James. There's the Masters. Spring Break. Often it is when I head south for a 10K and a jolt o' goodness in the form of family and azaleas. And sometime during this month is when spring usually arrives in NJ. Right now we just have buds on some trees-- not many-- and there are some daffodils poking around.

OK, I have to tell you that right now the cutest baby in the world (aka James) is talking away whilst lying beneath his mobile. I mean, the kid is just going on and on. I really wish I knew what he was saying. Also, he looks really cute right now in a little Winnie the Pooh hoodie.

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