Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Side to the Story

So, a few weeks ago I went off about how great breastfeeding is. Well, of course, sometimes it isn't. Like today.

Dan's cousin & his 10-year old son came up to visit from SC. After a ridiculous number of phone calls last night and today, it was decided that Dan & I would play tour guides in the city whilst Grandpa and Grandma would take care of James here at home. This meant that there needed to be bottles ready for him. There weren't, but I was pretty sure there would be enough pumped milk in the fridge, and there's back-up frozen.

So, off to the city. After several hours in Central Park and the Museum of Natural History, I had quite lovely bosoms, if you know what I mean....

Meanwhile, back at home, James was not loving the bottles. And Grandma took out some milk from the freezer just in case. She didn't use it, so now it may spoil...


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