Friday, November 14, 2008

Shocking Development!

OK, so this photo has nothing to do with this post other than it goes with the title, but it is a funny face that James is making more and more often these days.

So, this afternoon, James was showing signs of tiredness at the end of lunch-- rubbing eyes, glazed expression, etc. I took him back to his room to get him ready for a nap. We did the usual routine: change diaper, read a book, nurse,... His eyes were droopy, but he kept fighting it. Meanwhile, my phone rang. After ignoring the phone and trying to get Baby Boy to sleep for a while, I finally just put him in the crib and went to turn off the beeping phone. He cried when I left. Then he was talking and playing, so I decided not to go back in just yet. I checked my email. After a little while, he whimpered a bit, then turned on his music (left from the mobile). A little bit later there was silence (well, other than the mobile music)-- he fell asleep!!!! On his own!!!!


A said...

way to man up, James! I love this picture with this post -- heelarious.

A said...

that was ali, by the bye.