Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yesterday morning James and I headed over to Cora's for her second annual New Year's Eve playdate and countdown to noon. Only four kiddos were able to be there, but they lived it up! Pretty snow had fallen that morning, but not enough to re-create our snow romp from the year prior. However, James did repeat his photo dodging antics from 2008. Alas. We did manage to get him in a few shots. Yea! A great way to kick off the new year with good friends-- friends of James and friends of mine :-)

That afternoon Dan came home and baked a lovely apple pie (whose top was pricked with 2010), then we headed off to Nick's for a lil' fun. James had a MARVELOUS time running around with Jolie and Sophie as well as testing out the Rock Band drum kit. In fact, he fell asleep saying "play drums.... play drums...." We adults enjoyed doing just that, rocking out to Beatles tunes (Dan & Jenn on vocals, Nick on guitar, Matt on drums, me on bass) for the last hour of the decade. Then up from the basement to watch the ball drop on tv. Around 1:30 we transferred James from the pack-n-play to the car and made the short drive to Grandpa & Grandma's house for what turned out to be a short sleep.

James was, apparently, eager to begin 2010, and woke up at 5:00. Dan was a dear, and took James out at 6:30 to give me an extra hour of sleep. Hooray! And thank you! After some delicious coffee, I headed out for a lovely run among the fresh snow in town.

After cleaning up, we headed home briefly to pick up the aforementioned pie, then off to Matt & Nancy's for their annual New Year's Day gathering. James was thrilled to see Jolie & Sophia again. He had a great time with Jack & Ava as well who were such gracious hosts. Jack even let James wear his Thomas costume! The highlight of the day, I think, was when Daddy played pirates with the children. James loved yelling "Argh!" and running around the house.

It was so wonderful to ring in the new year with so many great friends. Here's to a wonderful 2010!

1 comment:

SweetWICK said...

Your blog is super is your little one! Congrats!