Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I spy with my little eye, something that is....

...pink and swollen.

No, it is not conjunctivitis (a.k.a. pink eye). It is a dreaded case of pasta sauce in the eye. Last night at dinner, James was going after his penne. Fork in one hand, pasta in the other (he was using both the fork and the hand to eat). The non-fork side of his face was VERY saucy. I tried to clean it off. So did he. With his saucy hand.

Suddenly, he started screaming. Cried in agony (it was awful) for 45 minutes. Wouldn't open his eye. We were flushing it with water and saline. It was heartbreaking to hear him cry like that and just wince in his little eye.

He finally fell asleep, and we thought it was all over.

This morning it was puffy. We weren't sure if it was just from the crying (as my eye would be if I'd cried that much) or not.

It didn't seem to be getting better as the day progressed, so Dan picked him up early and took him to the dr. I met them there (when the appointment was actually over).

They examined his eye and didn't see any scratches (yea!), but gave him an antibiotic ointment. This is his FIRST medication other than Tylenol for fevers (go breastmilk!). It should come as no surprise that the application was not welcomed with opened arms. More like pinned down arms. But then he didn't even try to rub it off/out. He just settled in for stories and bed.

I really, really hope it clears up quickly and there's nothing really wrong.

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