Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Road Trip!

So, as I said in the last post, we decided to head down to the Lowcountry for my spring break. After tossing around a few ideas about how to attack the drive, we decided on what turned out to be a winning strategy. (Oh-- I should mention that before leaving we turned James's carseat around to front-facing now that he's reached the height limit for rear-facing.)

We slept until James woke up Sunday morning, then had breakfast, and let James play while we packed the car. We hit the road at 9:30 and drove for about 2-2.5 hours. James was happily playing with his new Easter books (thanks, Nana & Pops!) and shape sorter. We had packed a picnic (or as James says, "Pick! Mick!") lunch, and enjoyed it at the Maryland House rest area. James quite enjoyed running hill repeats before and after dining.

Then it was back in the car for a few hours (James got a decent nap) before stopping at a hotel with an indoor pool and continental breakfast. After a fun swim with James we watched the end of the Masters (Yea, Phil!) and had Burger King (it was the ONLY restaurant around--oh well) dinner in our room.

The next day we stuck with the same plan-- breakfast, drive, picnic, drive, arrive in Charleston at 4:30 (unfortunately, James didn't catch his nap until we arrived on the peninsula, so it was all of 10 minutes long...). While we weren't able to get a room at Auntie Peg's hotel, we did get a hotel near the Market which had a rooftop balcony breakfast each day. It was so nice to look out over the harbor each morning. James was a big fan of "playing hopscotch" on the balcony's gridded floor.

Auntie Peg arrived at our hotel not long after we got there, and we headed out for dinner at Fleet. James really wanted to drink the tartar sauce that came with his dinner. It was ridiculous.

About this time, the lack of nap caught up with us, and James turned into a pumpkin. I took him outside to run around while Maggie and Dan finished dinner. Dan was gracious enough to try to put James to bed so the sisters could enjoy a coffee and walk about town.

Our spring break adventure was off to a wonderful start!

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