Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mark this date on the calendar...

For the first time in his little life (at least in our recollection), James asked to go to bed tonight. Yep. "Mommy, I took a sip of milk. And now I can go to bed." And it wasn't even 6:00.

So we went back, put on jammies (he took off all his clothes all by himself!), read stories, and he nestled into bed and was sound asleep by 7:00 without any fuss!!!

Granted, he had no nap this afternoon.
And he ran around outside all day.

Maybe he is happy to be sharing his room with an aquarium. He and Daddy set it up (they even found rocks in the yard and cleaned them for decoration) this weekend. The fish won't move in for a week or so (as recommended by the pet store worker), but there are some pretty (real, not plastic) plants, the aforementioned rocks, and a shipwreck (from Daddy's childhood fish tank).

But seriously. He asked to go to bed!


A said...

how sweet! what time did he get up?

A said...

and photo of the fish tank please!