Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Happy One Street Birthday!" Part One

I admit that I had to squeeze John into the ONEsie on his big day.
 So, this post is LONG overdue, I know.  My sweet little John is already over thirteen months old, and I still haven't posted about his birthday!  By the way, James (who is reading everything he can get his hands on) reads "1st Birthday" as "one street birthday," so he was constantly enthusiastically wishing his little brother a "Happy One Street Birthday!"  Hilarious.

Back on January 29th, John turned a year old.  It was a Tuesday, and we had the luxury of having Daddy home all day since we were getting the trees taken care of that day.  We started the day with a festive birthday breakfast of blueberry muffins.
Happy Birthday to you!
Jolly John enjoying his breakfast (as ever).

In the morning, John had his one year doctor's check-up where he weighed in at over 20 pounds and was 30 inches long.  He was given the green light for cow's milk and got his shots.  The highlight of the visit was when the doctor walked into the examining room and greeted us by asking me if we had shaved John's head.  Seriously.  In her defense (which she also stated), it *is* a tradition in some (not ours) cultures.  But no, our baby is naturally bald.  Hilarious.

After spending the afternoon watching the "tree show" and going to Cherubs (where John got to see his BFF Mr. Peters), Grandma joined us for a special birthday pasta dinner.  Both boys thoroughly enjoyed their meals...
...and then it was time to enjoy some delicious and beautiful cupcakes from Baked in a Cup!
Oh- that's like my breakfast muffin, but with frosting?!
This looks interesting!
Mmmm... delicious!
Wah! It's all gone!
When we'd finished our dessert, it was time for gifts!  
James had wrapped some of his old puzzles and toys to give to John, which was very sweet.  John was delighted and we all had a fun time working on the puzzles!  Grandma brought the birthday boy some adorable new clothes and a "bike" which he found very exciting.

It was a fabulous day, and the fun was only beginning.  A few days later we had John's party!

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