Monday, March 11, 2013

The first week as a 13 month old

The first full week of March was a big deal for John:
He started signing "more" clearly and consistently. Very exciting (and far better than his prior method of screaming in a ridiculously high pitched tone. Just ask Auntie Ali and Uncle P.) and quite helpful since the boy loves. to. eat.
He officially kicked the pacifier habit. Cold turkey, baby. He was on a quick path to becoming a paci junky-- he would see one and get excited and grabby. It was so easy for us to give him a pacifier at bedtime and naptime, too. But we knew it was time, so we stopped. So glad he's adjusted well! (And hopefully this will also mean less of his teething-drool-induced face rash!)
John is a toddler! He now prefers bipedal mobility to crawling. We celebrated with a trip to our favorite kids' shoe store on Saturday where he got some cute size fives. (James was measured as well; no new shoes just yet.)
John's current oral vocabulary: that, light, James (doesn't sound like "James", but I consistently, recognize his way of saying it), boop (said when touching your nose-- super cute!), hi (very often it's "hihihihihi"), uh-oh, ow, Daddy, D (which is short for diaper. As in, "One, two, three, it's a stinky D!").

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