Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Baby Not-so-wise

James hates naps. Seriously. The boy doesn't like to go to bed until as late as possible with Dan & I going to bed as well. No napping.

The exception is that sometimes he'll nurse himself to sleep. However, if you try to put him in bed in such situations, he often awakens. Furthermore, today I read in Babywise that babies should follow this routine: eat-wake-sleep.

This made for a miserable day. James cried more than ever today as I tried to make him take naps. It was AWFUL. I was doubting when and how often to feed him. More crying. I wanted to cry too! I had myself believing that I'd ruined him by letting him eat-sleep-eat-wake-eat-eat...

This evening I did some internet research about Babywise and found that it is not very well respected in the scientific realm. Great. Now I feel like an even worse mom than before!

Bottom line: I am going back to following my instincts: feed him when he's hungry. Let him sleep when he wants to. I'll ask the pediatrician about his lack of napping when we go on Tuesday.

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