Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Yesterday morning was truly pooptastic. James (and I) had been gassy; probably from the chili I enjoyed during the Super Bowl. Anyway, during his bath he tooted. No biggie. THEN, the toot was followed with poop. Lots of it. Into the bath. Nice. I yanked him up out of his poopy bath and put him into the basin of water for a rinse. The basin then got poopy, so I sprayed him off with more clean water then promptly got a diaper on him. I washed his hair over the sink (I was going to forget about that, but it was greasy...) then got him dressed and cleaned up the poopy bath scene.

OK, fine. So later on he pooped again. This time I was too quick to change his diaper. After I removed the poopy diaper, but before I could get the clean one under him, he had a blow out. Nice. All over the changing table and his clothes. He was none to happy to have me remove the poopy onesie from his (previously) freshly cleaned body. Somehow I kept calm and got him cleaned off and diapered and dressed in another outfit. Then I started a load of poopy laundry.

After those episodes, the poop out the back of the diaper at 3:30 while nursing this morning was nothing. I got that one cleaned and redressed and we were back in bed, no problem.

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