Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy 2 Month Birthday!

Well, James is two months old today. Wow. He had his two month checkup on Tuesday afternoon. Here are the stats:
Length: 22 inches (25%)
Weight: 10lbs 7oz (25%)
Head: 15.5 inches (40%)

He impressed the doctor with his ability to lift his head and shoulders off the table. I tried to capture that image here, but didn't really get it at the right time. You can admire his airborne feet, however.

Unfortunately, she did hear the murmur and state that they may order another echo cardiogram when he's 6 months old (if they still hear it then) to see what's going on. Also, he has a hernia by his formerly attractive bellybutton which is causing it to now appear as an outie. Boo. It is supposed to heal on its own (I hope his belly button goes back to its cute flat self.).

We received some exercises to do to help James get over his tendency to look to the right (no political jokes, please). He defaults to looking over his right shoulder, so we have to force him to turn his head to the left to loosen up those muscles. This will also lessen any head shape issues. He isn't a huge fan of his drills, but he doesn't protest much.

The traumatic part of the check-up was when James had to receive his immunizations. He screamed rather loudly and turned a violent shade of violet. Some moms in my Thursday group told me yesterday that they immediately breastfed their babies after the shots, and that really calmed them down. Well, the advice was two days too late for this round, but I'll definitely do that next time!

Thus far, to celebrate his 2 month b'day today, James has pooped across the changing table in the wee hours of the morning (I caught it with the diaper--impressive), "eaten" a lot, taken a trip to CVS to buy his TriViSol baby vitamins, napped, and donned his cute monogrammed bib in an effort to thwart future spit-ups from causing wardrobe changes. By the bye, this is his first wearing of a bib, and I honestly cracked up when I put it on him!

Well, the cutie-pie has awoken. Must go.