Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big Baby Bed

I know it is a big deal when toddlers leave their crib and sleep in a "big boy/girl bed." Obviously, we're nowhere near that stage of the game yet. However, James has moved to his "big baby bed."

Until recently he'd slept in the cradle in our bedroom (and occasionally in his papasan chair, still in our room). He was getting way too big for the cradle: his arms stuck out between the slats when extended fully, and he could move/rock it on his own quite easily. This meant that he (and we) were waking up a lot. While it was quite nice to literally be able to reach in and comfort him without moving from where I slept, I also felt that I might actually get more sleep if he was a room away. . .

On Saturday night , James's three-month birthday, I put him down in the crib rather than the cradle. Then we turned the volume way up on the monitor and tucked ourselves in next to the empty cradle. All went just fine. He's even taken some naps there!

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