Monday, March 24, 2008

The Easter Miracle-- New Life

At the risk of blasphemy, let me share with you our Easter miracle. When James went to sleep on Saturday night, he didn't wake up to eat until 4:40! Last night he (and Dan & I) went down at 9:00ish and didn't get up until 4:00. Let me tell you, getting a big chunk o' sleep instead of feeding him every 3-4 hours is incredible! I'm really hoping it continues!

James did look very cute yesterday for Easter. He wore his salmon colored Polo suit (it is like a long-sleeved golf shirt with legs) and his socks that have loafers on them. People thought he had on little shoes! He also wore his penguin hat without complaint. (The salmon color of the beak and feet matched his outfit.) He was good for the service at Grandpa & Grandma's church, and met many of his grandparents' friends during the day in Ramsey.

Meanwhile, I finally got a haircut on Saturday. It was my first cut since November! Oh, it was lovely. I am really happy with my cut, and I enjoy my salon. For fun, my stylist blew my hair out straight. We both agree it looks better curly, and, in fact, she cut it for curls, but it was fun to look different for a day. I think it really threw James off, however. He seemed annoyed with me all day. Perhaps the funniest instance was when we were out running errands and stopped at Houlihan's for lunch. I ordered fish tacos. When they were set before me, James took one look at the plate and started screaming. It was like they scared him or something. Dan & I cracked up.

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