Thursday, March 13, 2008

Blog much?

Whoa! It has been a while! I have one big excuse: our computer is dying a slow, painful death. The operative word there is SLOW.

Anyway, as you might imagine, James has enjoyed many milestones:
  • He protests much less about tummy time and lifts his head very high (see photo) most of the time.
  • He often lifts his arms and legs while on his belly, as though he's flying.
  • He can sit up when propped (thanks, Bumbo).
  • He's developed somewhat of a routine: eating every three hours during the day, eating is usually followed by play then sleep. Of course, the past few days, he's been out of routine... could it be another growth spurt!?
  • He has found his hands and enjoys chewing/sucking/slobbering on them (see photo).
  • He's been taking all sorts of adventures out in the world which has even included breastfeeding (yea for the Bebe Au Lait) at Road Runner Sports and in the children's section of Barnes & Noble (I hear that Nordsrom's has a great lounge for this as well!)
  • He's gotten diaper rash; we're still waiting for it to completely clear...
  • He's "slept through the night" twice: last Friday & Saturday. Both nights he went 6.5-7 hours before waking up for a feeding! We're back to every 3-4 hours now, though (and last night he wanted to party at 3:00).
  • He laughs a lot-- he especially enjoys having his hands slapped and hearing & seeing someone buzz their lips.
  • He weighed in (while fully dressed and diapered) today at 13 pounds 12 ounces!!!
In other fun news, James has been to church for the first time, and we enjoyed a baby gathering (with moms & dads) from our weekly breastfeeding group a few weeks ago. Also, I'm taking next year off from school (because of my tenure. I can return the following year) to stay with James (however, I'm still looking forward to returning this May & June). Additionally, we enjoyed a MARVELOUS visit from Aunt Maggie last week.

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