Monday, December 1, 2008

The Most Terrifying Moment of My Life

Well, we made it back from SC yesterday (Sun.) morning. We left my parents' house at 7:00 Saturday evening, after dinner & James's bath. He fell asleep before we even got out of their neighborhood. I nursed him in the backseat twice when we stopped for gas, and other than that he slept until 6:30 Sunday morning when we were about 45 minutes from home. Yea!

Unfortunately, we had a major catastrophe later in the morning. Dan was napping (he did most of the driving while James & I slept), and James & I had just come up from doing some laundry in the basement (he loves to "help"). I was getting his lunch of chicken out of the oven and heard what I thought was James knocking on the basement door. However, when I looked over, I saw the OPEN basement door and no James. I immediately began screaming hysterically, and continued to do so as I saw James at the bottom of the stairs!

Dan came running, and we called the doctor. Meanwhile, James seemed to be alright (thankfully)! He was conscious and had no visible major injuries.

We took him to the ER, and they said he's fine. He somehow came away with just some bruises on his head. He was his usual energetic, curious and peppy self for the nurses and doctor. No vomiting, passing out, bleeding in the ears, pupil problems, etc., so they just observed him for a while and decided against a CAT scan. He was diagnosed with a "minor head injury."

We went to the pediatrician today for a follow-up, and they said he's fine.

I, on the other hand, am still recovering-- I keep flashing back to seeing that basement door open! It was absolutely the most terrifying moment of my life. We are just SO VERY THANKFUL that James appears to have come through relatively unscathed.

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