Monday, September 6, 2010

Farewell, Summer.

Well, tomorrow I go back to school. Daddy and James get one more day together tomorrow before James starts in his new classroom on Wednesday.

We had such a fun summer: Lots of long mornings in jammies. A few lunchdates with Daddy (both picnics and choo-choo burgers at the restaurant by the railroad tracks). Playdates. Our fabulous trip to SC. A day at the Bronx Zoo. A train trip to NYC to the Natural History Museum. Bubbles. Playing with trains. Trips to the library. Lots of reading together. Putting together puzzles. Running together (most often by way of the bagel store). Riding carousels. Music class. Singing. Baking (pancakes, cookies, waffles,...).

James is really growing up into a sweet, smart, "big-boy." "No, Mommy. Little boy," he says. Well, Little Boy, I love, love, love you! Thanks for a wonderful summer!

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