Monday, September 13, 2010

Mommy's Running Partner

On Saturday, Mommy had a race with her teammates in Central Park. There was a kids' run as well, so we decided to make a family outing of it and sign James up for his first race.

James carbo-loaded at dinner on Friday night.

He and Daddy cheered for Mommy in her race.

Then we waited for his race to begin.

Can you spot James on the starting line?

Sorry we don't have any photos of the actual race. It was pretty funny-- James, who usually runs everywhere, all of the time, just stood there when they said, "On your mark, get set, go!" The rest of the kids took off, and there stood James. I ran with him, and he just wanted me to carry him. What?! He still had a great time and was so happy with his t-shirt and ribbon.

Afterwards, we had a great time exploring the park from an almost three-year-old's point of view. There was much "mountain" climbing, playground playing, and walking about. We topped of our trip to the big city with a delicious brunch (James devoured his french toast!) and a well-deserved nap.

1 comment:

A said...

It's hard to know what I like best in the post. Probably the carbo-loading. I am laughing out loud that James did not run. He runs EVERYWHERE!