Tuesday, October 9, 2007

30 Weeks

Well, I did, in fact, take my last run last Tuesday morning. I haven't run since that post. My back feels much better for this decision. I am still working out with weights two or three times a week. Also, now that my back has recovered, I've started taking brisk walks on my old running routes. Tomorrow evening I have my first prenatal yoga class-- yippee!
This weekend I got to see my sister Ali & her husband. It was fun to have another family member to see the growing belly and feel Baby's kicks and movements. Following the pattern of recent weeks, Baby seemed to pop again on Friday, and I've gotten lots of comments regarding the growth.
Today was our 30 week check-up, and all is well. I had gained 3 pounds since the last visit (although I may have lost one of those after stepping off the scale and visiting the restroom for my urine sample...), and Baby's heartbeat was loud and strong. I asked about the pain I've been feeling (best described as what you might experience after a long bicycle trip), and was assured it was very normal. The doctor had a nice chuckle when I told him I had to stop running last week. He was amused because I'd asked if it was alright to continue at my appointment two weeks ago, and then didn't last much longer. He said he couldn't understand why I wanted to run in the first place (not as a pregnant woman, but at all). Whatevs.
I'm dying to take some new photos of my pokey-out belly to post, but the camera wasn't cooperating very well earlier this evening, so I'll try again tomorrow.
Oh! It finally cooled off today! Yea! Yesterday we were pushing 90 degrees, and I had swollen ankles after sitting all afternoon in an un-airconditioned in-service. Fun. Not. Hooray for fall... now I just need to go buy some clothes!

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