Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Fun

OK, I am sorry I haven't posted in such a long time. And I know that photos are LONG OVERDUE. Seriously, you'll be impressed when you see how big Baby is now!
Today was faux Halloween at Dan's workplace. Now this is an office worthy of imitation on "The Office." Seriously. For those of you who don't know it, they have a costume contest (complete with a parade) and a competition for haunted cubicles. No joke. There are also pumpkin carving contests and other such silly things. This year they moved the festivities to the 30th so that no one would have to miss out on the fun because they were leaving work on the 31st to attend their son/daughter's school parade/festivities. Funny.
Dan has been a costume award winner in the past. He's gone to work covered in latex and tissue paper to create realistic old man wrinkles. He's had a golf ball glued to his head with blood around it to make it look like it got lodged there (also quite convincing). The man loves make up and special effects. He had a great costume ready to go this year, but found out late last night that his liquid latex had expired and become a gummy mess. No prosthetics for Dan! Oh dear! He actually went without costume today (but wasn't upset because he thought it was kind of weird to do it a day early).
However, not to fear. He got his Halloween fix helping me create my best costume ever this evening. At school we always have some theme that the faculty always has to do-- last year we were pirates, the year before that cats, prior to that construction workers, witches, etc. Well, this year the theme was a bit more broad: Wizard of Oz. My first instinct was to be the twister, but I couldn't figure out how. Then I got my heart set on the yellow brick road. Well, Dan and I just spent the evening cutting bricks out of yellow plastic tape and sticking them to a pair of coveralls that he has (that fit over Baby pretty well). It looks FABULOUS. I have never been so excited about a costume as an adult!
Baby is so lucky because Dan is going to always make sure it has a great costume. No store bought schlock for our kid! Homemade creative costumes only (and thus, lots o' candy and glory)!

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