Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'm a model!

So yesterday, one of the many errands we tackled on our list was to procure some clothing for me. We went to Destination Maternity (which houses Pea in a Pod, Motherhood, and Mimi Maternity as well as a spa & a yoga studio). I found many cute items, and when I came out for the third time to show Dan what I had tried on, he had wandered away to look at baby stuff. One of the employees saw me and told me that the dress looked good. "In fact," she said, "everything you've tried on looks really cute on you." I thanked her and we chatted a bit about the dress. Then she said, "You should model for us!" She proceeded to tell me about a dinner for which they were one of the sponsors. The dinner is for expectant moms, and there will be a fashion show. I'll be one of the models in said fashion show! I get to attend the dinner, and I get a 30% off gift certificate. I put all my cute items on hold, so I can save 30%. I go tomorrow to pick out my modeling outfit... Fun!!! Dan is so proud. :-)

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