Monday, September 15, 2008

Game Time!

So this weekend was quite packed, and quite fun. On Saturday we took a road trip up to Colgate for the Colgate v. Furman football game. James looked stunning in his football uniform (Thanks, Nana!!!). As he tried to make his morning rounds at home, he had a bit of trouble negotiating the slippery fabric of the pants, but eventually he had it all figured out.

The drive was quite a long one, but pretty. As it turns out, Colgate is in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York. We saw many farms, mountains, trout fishers, cows and scenic vistas. We made one stop along the way for a diaper change and nursing. James was mostly just thrilled to be out of his carseat, and tried to drive the car (not really; we were parked).

We finally made it to Colgate, and were able to enjoy the end of the Furman Alumni Association's tailgate. Two nice women happily took James from us so that we could eat. We also got some great Furman swag: coozies, pompoms...

Then it was off to the game! Furman won 42-21-- Go Paladins! We had a really fun time together. After the game, we drove around campus-- beautiful stone buildings, but VERY HILLY-- then headed home. It was a long day, but much fun.

On Sunday, we went to Shea to cheer the Mets on against the Braves. It was super hot & humid, and the game was sold out (we had tickets already). Also, the Yankees were at home as well, so traffic was nightmarish. James did well-- the traffic delays bought us an extended nap, so he was better rested than he's been for his other two games. He ate lunch and drank water in the stands and befriended everyone in our section. We made it through seven innings before packing it in. . . Dan & I probably would have left at this point anyway because it was so hot and the parking was such a mess. When we left, the Mets were ahead by 2. We listened in the car as the Braves got 5 runs in the ninth. Oh well.

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