Friday, December 31, 2010


OK, so today is the seventh day of Christmas. Just a reminder, it ain't over yet.

With that in mind, here are a few photos from the season that I had as yet failed to post. Please enjoy.

At the moment of this picture, James is saying, "Our tree broke! Now we need to find a new Christmas tree!"
Here James is playing the role of Santa driving his sleigh (thanks, Daddy!).

And here's our annual placement of the tree topper. Note: this year James recognized that Santa wasn't the appropriate tree topper and said, "Not Santa. We need a star." Yes, that or an angel. Maybe next year.
James made a painting as a gift for his cousin Ezra. He chose the color himself. Then he began painting himself! His words, "I'm James. James the red engine."

On the Second Day of Christmas, we had our first real family movie night (thank you, Disney Channel). Toy Story 1 came on at 6:30, and we enjoyed it together on the couch whilst eating popcorn. Very fun!

(Upcoming posts: Cousins unite!, Annual New Year's Eve Playdate)

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