Friday, November 9, 2007

Today is All About Me

So yesterday was spent visiting the doctor, the dentist, the ultrasound tech, the hospital... Today I got my hair cut at a new salon and got a wonderful Spa Mom-to-be pedicure. Nice. The haircut was great-- I finally got rid of the border between the front and back of my hair. My stylist was nice, and the salon is just down the street from our house. She wants me to come in next week for a "check up" (no charge) to be sure that all looks good. Nice! I also received a gift certificate for $35 toward a facial or other spa treatment. Very nice!
My Mom-to-Be Pedicure was very lovely and much more rewarding than the typical nail salon fare (especially the last, lame one Ali & I got when Team Winter visited in October). I had a private room-- very relaxing. I got to soak much more than usual. I also had a mango scrub and then a mask put on my feet which was supposed to help with swelling. After that I got a wonderful massage of my feet & lower legs. The actual grooming and painting of my nails was great too. Oh-- and I had some lemon water and cinnamon muffins. Delightful!
Sidebar: Why is it that I cannot find a diaper bag that I like? Everything in the stores seems to be either a) enormous, b) tacky looking, or c) frumpy looking. Is it too much to ask to have a diaper bag that has some compartments, is lightly colored on the inside (so you can see what you're looking for), and is kind of fun looking? I mean, seriously!

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