Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dining Entertainment

So tonight's meal was pretty funny. During the first course, green beans, James was banging his spoon a lot. Oh, I should tell you that I've learned that it is good to give him his own spoon; he doesn't reach for the one I'm using to feed him with so much. A few times he blocked me with a sword-fighting move causing green bean puree to splatter off my spoon. Mildly amusing.

During the second course, oatmeal, James had dropped his spoon sword fighting routine. In fact, he'd dropped his eyelids. Yes, he was falling asleep between bites like the babies you see on TV. It was hilarious! I wasn't too surprised because he hadn't napped well this afternoon, so I knew he was tired. I'd wake him up and give him another spoonful, but finally gave up. Of course, by the time I'd taken off his bib, cleaned his face and hands, and gotten him out of the chair he was fully awake again....

Oh, and about those splattered green beans-- for some reason they're really sticky. I was washing the tray in the sink and decided to utilize its ability to go in the dishwasher feature. Well, I don't know what kind of ginormous dishwasher the people who designed that highchair have, but the tray top does NOT fit in ours. Oh well. Back to the sponge :-)

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