Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lovin' the Pool

Well, we've hit the town pool a few more times. James enjoys it more and more. Dan has relented to sitting in the baby pool during non-adult swim periods. The first time we did it, we were an instant kid-magnet. All these little kids came over, "Hi Baby." So funny. James justs sits in the water and splashes. He enjoys the occassional pool toy as well. (It is my observation, from both the Maywood Pool, and the Ramsey Pool, that the kiddie pool area fills up with toys. It is a free-for-all until you gather up your own stuff when you leave.)

In the big pool, James enjoys "floating" on his back. One of us holds him. He really likes it when we then zoom him around like a boat. He likes to zoom on his belly as well (although this fills me with fear that he'll go face down into the water...). The best was this toddler girl saying to her adult (mom? grandma? aunt?), "That baby can swim, and I'm bigger than he is!"

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