Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!

James had lots of fun celebrating the Fourth o' July this weekend. We went to see fireworks in our town on Thursday night. The fireworks were amazing, and so was our son. He turned and watched for a little while, kind of in awe. Then he snuggled up to me (it was past his bedtime), periodically checking over his shoulder to see if they were still going on (as if he couldn't hear them). Eventually, he fell asleep.

On Friday, we went to the parade. James was not impressed. Whatevs. He did look cute in his patriotic stripes, and got many comments from other parade goers. We did vacate the parade route before the fifth regiment started (that is when all the rescue vehicles from our town and the surrounding towns come through with sirens wailing), and headed to the diner for brunch.

That afternoon it was off to our friends' house for a nice little barbecue. James faced off with their massive golden retriever puppy; they weren't big fans of one another. Aside from the pacifier stealing incident (it does look like a chew toy, we'll grant him that), they coexisted pretty well.

We were going to go to more fireworks that evening, but it started to rain. Oh well. James did very well being passed from party guest to party guest. We put him in his jammies in the evening, and he fell asleep in the car on the way home. Perfect.

On Sunday we visited Grandpa and Grandma in Ramsey for dinner. The highlight of this trip was that James got to sit in his Daddy's highchair to eat his barley cereal. Yes folks, straight out of the early 70s! We're pretty sure we could be locked up for this... oh well! He seemed to enjoy holding tight to the small tray. And banging on it. Of course. We forgot to bring jammies this time, and much fussiness ensued as we were getting him ready to leave. Again, asleep in the car. So asleep, in fact, that we got him into jammies and into the crib once we arrived home.

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