Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Skills and Advent

Just thought I'd let you know some skills James has picked up lately.

He can take his pants off all by himself. He's working on sock removal. And shirt (that's the toughest). Also, he's much more helpful than he used to be when putting on clothes as well.

Tonight we had Noseblowing 101. First, I tried to hold the Kleenex up to his nose while saying, "Blow," and breathing hard through my nose. That didn't work very well. Then I blew my nose while he was watching. The next thing I knew, he'd gone back to the Kleenex box, helped himself, and was blowing away. His accuracy into the tissue was a bit off, but he was quite successful with the clearing out the nose bit. Oh man, and he was so excited by this new skill-- he kept going back to the box for more Kleenex and was running around squealing with glee (and leaving tissue remnants everywhere-- nice).

Another skill is "singing" many songs: the hello song from our music class (which mentions both James and Thomas by name-- he LOVES that!), "Frosty", "Miss Mary Mac", "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Head, shoulders, knees and toes", "Happy Birthday."

He also enjoys retelling stories and books. And he's getting better at drinking from a real cup.

Next topic: Advent
Last Sunday was the the first Sunday of Advent. Dan, James & I got to light the candle on the wreath to start the service at church. (I had acolyting flashbacks-- trying to light the candle without being able to see the wick.... I was glad it was just the first Sunday!)

After the service we made our own wreath. The leaves are cut-outs of James's hand on green paper-- so cute! We lit it during dinner today. It is too big to keep on the kitchen table, but we finally ate together in the dining room tonight.


A said...

I tried to do this hand tracing thing with my 3-year-olds in Sunday School and they just weren't interested. Was James into it, or did you basically do it?

Jen said...

Oh, I managed to wrangle his hand down for one tracing, then used that for multiple cut-outs.