Monday, September 3, 2007

Luck be a Baby...

So, we got back last night from our "last vacation before Baby" for which we went to Vegas. We had a pretty good time and did a lot of non-gambling. The best two events, by far, were our trip to see the Grand Canyon (during which we walked on the Skywalk out over the Canyon) and our day at the Spa. The Spa was fabulous and extremely relaxing; it didn't seem like we were in Vegas at all while we were there. Dan and I enjoyed a couples massage (with me receiving prenatal massage) as well as many other spa facilities. They had Roman Baths with three different mineral water whirlpools (one hot, one really hot, and one cold-- I could only go in the cold one). There were also a variety of saunas (steam, cedar, ...); Dan enjoyed those, but I couldn't. Also there was the Arctic Ice Room which snowed down moisturizer on you in a cold room. I loved that. Even the regular showers were amazing with showers coming out of the walls as well as from above. It was great. There was also plenty of fruit, juice, tea and water to be enjoyed (and we took full advantage of those services). An excellent day! In addition to the Spa and Canyon, we also enjoyed a few shows, many of the hotel/casinos' features like fountains and volcanoes, as well as some delicious meals.
Now, there are some things that made the trip a bit not so great for the pregnant me. For one, I wasn't imbibing, and that seems to be a big part of the culture there. Also, people were smoking EVERYWHERE! I don't think I've ever been so excited or anxious to do laundry as I was today. Finally, it was HOT. Really, really hot. In fact, one day I was convinced that I had harmed the baby because it was so hot out when we were by the pool. I kept getting in the water, but I was still scared afterwards. Even though I had avoided the saunas and hot tubs at the spa, here I was outside in the desert heat, and I was inconsolable for most of the evening.
So, we did do a bit of gambling during our visit. During my one and only trip to the $5 blackjack table, we started with $80 in chips and cashed out with $190. Nice. My only other gambling was at the airport on our way out of town. I put $5 in the Star Wars slot machine, pressed the button for max bet, spun a Death Star Bonus and ended up with $152! I immediately cashed out even though I had only taken one spin. Dan was a little less lucky-- he didn't win on slots or in either of the two poker tournaments he entered. We decided that the baby was bringing me good luck!

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