Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another Day of Getting Ready

Well, Dan & I started our day with some delicious stove-cooked oatmeal paired with comprehensive list making. We made lists of things to do in each room of the house. I cannot say that we got to many rooms, but we did get a lot done: Dan finished painting the deck (which included an emergency trip to Home Depot because the second can o' paint Ern had left us was not the same as the first that Dan used 2 weeks ago...), and I set up the nursery/emptied the dining room.
Let me begin by saying that the crib is still not quite right. It is better, but not right. We emailed the customer service for the company on Tuesday but haven't heard back from them yet. Anyway, the Pack & Play is currently set up in our bedroom for Baby to sleep in until he/she moves to the crib. (We'll fold up the P&P and use the Freeman family cradle from Scotland when it arrives.)
Anyway, first I cleaned Baby's room. This involved getting out the last remaining non-baby items from the closet and from last weekend's master bedroom update (during which most of our stuff spent some time in Baby's room). Then I dusted and vacuumed and cleaned the insides of the drawers. During this portion of the day, I wore a mask over my face & nose to avoid the dust I hold responsible for my still lingering laryngitis. Now Baby's room was sparkling clean and ready, so I began to move items in from the dining room (where they've been living/lining the walls since the shower 4 weeks ago!). First was the Diaper Chump which now has a bag in place and is ready for action. Then came the diaper basket atop the dresser. It also holds the wipes and three varieties of ointment. We put a few items in boxes in the closet (i.e. the "feeding chair" as Dan calls the high chair, the outlaw Bumbo, the Baby Bjorn, the bath chair). When Baby is ready for those items, we'll take them out. I did assemble the Baby Papasan, then folded it and put it in the closet in the "on-deck" circle along with the mobile (waiting for the crib to be functional) and the Boppy. Baby's bath items are currently in the closet as well. The basket o' toys (mostly teethers) and the basket o' cuddly animals are in the room also. I want to get a bookshelf for the baskets and books, etc. Now we just have to do Baby's laundry and put it away! The carseat is ready to go in the car (that might be a project for tomorrow), and the only other items still in the dining room are the strollers and the bottles (which we're hoping we won't have to use for a while).
In other news, my ankles swelled up quite ridiculously last evening. I had been out at happy hour (enjoying seltzer) with a bunch of people from school, so I wonder if sitting on a barstool for a few hours contributed to the situation. Oh, and after that Dan & I went to the movies, so that was more sitting. Anyway, it was shocking. I had a big bulge over the indentation from my sock elastic then other indentations from sock wrinkles! I immediately elevated my feet and was scared to look at them when I woke up this morning (they were fine).

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