Thursday, November 8, 2007

True Facts

OK, so when we got home from the city Tuesday night I threw my shoes in the trash. No joke. I had them off most of the time we were in the theater. My feet felt like sausages in them. Plus they were 6 years old, so I think they had a good life. Today I bought new black flats to replace them. Are you ready for this... they are size 9!!! But, my feet aren't sausagy in them, and they're pretty cute (and only $30!). They're dollhouse brand which makes me think of Kara Saun and the great shoe scandal of Project Runway's season 1 finale. (BTW, I am looking forward to the new season next Wednesday!) So, I don't know if my feet will be permanently size 9s, but my 8.5s (and some 8s) still fit. However, the 7.5s (and some 8s) are certainly a thing of the past!
In other news, I had my 34 week appointment today. I don't think I gained any weight in the last 2 weeks. I weighed in at 151 (after removing my comfy but HEAVY danskos-- best shoes ever!). Baby's heart rate was 135, if I recall correctly, and sounded so strong! Go Baby! It is still head down, back on my left, legs on my right (and the feet enjoy kicking over there), which is a good way to be. When he measured, I was only 32 cm, so that means I need an ultrasound to be sure that the baby is growing alright. I'm sure that it is, and the doctor figured that as well-- he said since I'm pretty "slight" (his word) that was probably why the measurement was 2 cm smaller than expected. Anyway, we go for the ultrasound this evening. I'm not expecting any issues and am looking forward to seeing Baby!!!
I went to BRU after my doctors appointment to trade sizes of a few items from the shower (We had WAY too much tiny stuff). I got there at 9:18, but they don't open 'til 9:30. Anyway, there were many others arriving with me, most with small children. We were all waiting by the doors for them to open. I felt like such a dork-- like those people outside of stores when there's a big sale or it's the day after Thanksgiving or something. It was funny. I did meet a nice, young mom of three whose son's birthday is Dec. 15th. She recommended having a birthday party brunch since people are so busy with holiday parties, etc. that time of year. I like it!
Lastly, our crib is having issues. After Dan put it together, we've been having trouble raising and lowering its drop side. Dan is thoroughly frustrated and ready to bolt it and such in the name of Baby's safety. I chatted with the crib department folk at BRU today, and I think I have some useful advice (it's a two-person job, if two particular parts are too tight it won't work, etc.). Fingers crossed that it will work, and we'll have a crib that is not only BEAUTIFUL but also functional (which is really more important isn't it?).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes!! I can finally wear/borrow your shoes! -Ali