Sunday, November 18, 2007

News Alert: I'm not nesting

Yeah, yeah, don't get all excited about nesting... this would have happened even if there wasn't a baby coming. Our house was a disaster area. Basically we spend every weekend cleaning. Last weekend it was in preparation for/setting up the furniture, this weekend was dealing with all the crap that got moved into different places last weekend. The end is in sight though!

Also, I felt no urge to do this. I didn't really get into it either.

When I do finally get the nesting instinct, I'm not sure what will be left to clean!

Today we finished dealing with all the remaining stuff in the dining room (it only needs vacuuming now), and Dan cleaned out the linen closet and coat closet. I did laundry (not Baby's yet, but it has moved downstairs) and some kitchen stuff. Dan also cleaned out some kitchen cabinets and drawers.

I think Dan is the one who is nesting. Seriously, he wants to do every job. I'll say, "I'm going to break these boxes down and put them out because tomorrow is corrugated cardboard day." He'll reply, "I can do that." Yes, you can, Dan, but not while you're also making dinner and cleaning drawers!

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